Circle is a global crypto finance company with a wide-range of consumer and institutional products, including Circle Pay, Circle Invest, Circle Trade and Poloniex. I work directly with senior management and sales and marketing teams to create digital marketing assets appropriate for each product’s audience. I also built out the event experience for our institutional teams and manage brand integrity for NYC based events, and continue to iterate on Circle’s digital presence as we evolve in this fast-paced crypto economy.

The Beginnings - Circle Pay

When I joined in 2018, Circle Pay was a peer to peer payment app that was built on crypto rails, but marketed to the general public with little to no acknowledgement of our humble foundations. It was very much a consumer experience, focusing on students and young millennials in North America, UK and mainland Europe. This and Circle Invest (another B2C mobile app) we’re our initial focus, but Circle would soon expand it’s offerings to take over the institutional crypto landscape.

Circle Research & Poloniex

As the company began to pivot towards a larger crypto audience, we launched Circle Research, a dedicated vertical to crypto market analysis and reporting, and acquired Poloniex, a large trading platform. Our tasks on the Creative side we’re to built out subbrands for each of these new products that could live alongside the Circle brand (while keeping Poloniex’s core users engaged and activated).


Centre and USDC

The Centre Consortium was established as a jointly managed self-governance consortium for the initial launch of USDC, founded by Circle and Coinbase. It was a separate non-profit foundation, and as such had it’s own branding and website that was developed by our team (with help from Coinbase’s incredible designers as well!).

We also designed USDC - you can see more of it’s initial campaigns here.




O’Donnell Academy